Frequently asked questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions from our clients. Please also read the General Information on ordering, designing, manufacturing, and shipping of products.

How does Flyvision work?

Flyvision operates on the basis of unique, proprietary technology not yet used elsewhere.

Can items be replaced in the equipment?

Depending on the solutions used, items can be replaced quickly and easily.

What objects can Flyvision apply to?

Flyvision, with its various solutions, can be applied practically to any object. Except in individual cases, the objects do not require any modification.

Can I choose the type of showcase?

The type of showcase available is mainly determined by the parameters of the object to be floated! Based on the information provided in the contracting form, we suggest the type of showcase best suited to the subject and circumstances.

How long does the showcase take?

Once the offer is accepted, contracted, and the product is received, the production phase usually takes 6-8 weeks (not for serial order).

What material is the showcase made of?

The exterior cladding can be made of metal, wood, stone, with or without lighting, with a custom background image or other accessory as required.

Can I get a catalog?

Although our products typically fall into more than one type category, they are not the same! The variety of showcase types and accessories available offers an infinite number of personalized variations. We do not have a standard catalog or price list as described above.

What packaging do I get in the showcase?

Ready-made Flyvision® showcases are available at our customers' choice in a cost-effective wooden or carton shipping box or a premium shipping box for easy-to-move display cases.

Where do I get the product?

The place of fulfillment of the order is at Flyvision Ltd’s Headquarter. (EX WORK delivery). In addition to the contracted service, of course, we are at the disposal of our Clients by arranging the delivery.

Didn't find an answer to your question?

Flyvision Ltd. • H-2112 Veresegyház, Béke u. 5. Ungheria (apri mappa) • Tel.: +36 30 379 1725 • Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 
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